Inflation has been subdued in spite of rising commodity prices, low interest rates, and easy finance created by global trade imbalances. 尽管大宗商品价格不断上涨、利率维持在较低水平,且全球贸易失衡带来了宽松的融资环境,但通胀一直受到控制。
Inflation had been nudging upwards because of those oil prices. 通涨正悄然上涨缘于原油价格的上涨。
Galloping petrol and grocery costs have driven up inflation, so they look to core inflation as a proxy of where things end up once commodity prices stop rising. 飞涨的燃料和食品价格是通胀的主因,因此他们紧盯着核心通胀率,将它作为商品价格停止上涨之后的事态发展的指标。
Lower inflation rate only means the rate of rise in prices has come down, not the actual prices. 低通货膨胀率的唯一途径是价格降低,而不是实际上涨价格。
Different indices used to measure underlying inflation give different pictures of the typical change in the prices facing consumers. 以不同物价指数来量度通胀率,便会对物价的变动有不同的估量。
Inflation has picked up in Taiwan because of rising food prices following a series of typhoons. 在一系列台风过后,台湾食品不断上涨,导致通胀有所抬头。
Moreover, it focused on only one type of inflation consumer prices to the neglect of asset prices. 此外,它仅关注一种通胀消费者物价,而忽视了资产价格。
Inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. 在经济学中,通货膨胀是在商品和服务的价格在在一段时间内持续的上升。
Meanwhile, inflation will probably pick up on the back of higher food prices. 与此同时,在粮价上涨的推动下,通胀可能加速抬头。
Gulf States should revalue their currencies to offset domestic inflation and spend more of their windfall from high oil prices ( including on imports), allowing an increase in living standards. 海湾国家应该让其本币升值,以抵消国内通胀的影响,并且进一步消费其来自于油价高企的庞大收益(包括用于进口),从而使居民生活水平提高。
The real shortcoming of my book was that, like many others, I did not discuss the financial sector and how its activities could undermine the capitalist order even if there were no overt inflation or deflation of consumer prices. 和许多同类作品一样,我那本书的真正缺点是,没有涉及金融部门,也没有讨论以下这一点:即便物价没有出现明显的通胀或通缩,金融部门行为也可能对资本主义秩序造成损害。
The government fears that inflation, which is almost entirely the result of higher food prices, will spill over into the rest of the economy, and spiral out of its control. 政府担心,几乎完全由食品价格走高引起的居民消费价格上涨会扩大到其它经济领域,最终超出控制范围。
But inflation in the form of high energy and food prices is hurting poor people within developing countries. 但是,以能源食品价格高涨的形式出现的通货膨胀正在伤害着发展中国家的穷人。
Inflation hawks argue that the rate of rise in the prices of everything else should be driven down. 通胀鹰派人士认为,其它所有商品的价格涨幅都应该压下来。
The move into gold reflects how investors fear rising inflation from the twin forces of higher oil prices and a weaker dollar. 投资者买入黄金,表明他们担心油价上涨和美元走弱的双重作用,将推动通胀不断加剧。
Strong growth with mild inflation is all the more amazing given the tripling of oil prices since 2003. Inflation had been nudging upwards because of those oil prices. 鉴于2003以来石油价格上涨了两倍,正是强势增长加上轻微的通货膨胀才促成了这一良辰美景。
Threadneedle's Mr Donora says: Hard commodities such as gold can be used as an efficient inflation hedge, and concerns about inflation can be a significant driver of precious metals prices. Threadneedle的多诺拉表示:黄金等硬商品可用作有效的通胀对冲工具,人们对通胀的担忧会推动贵金属价格大幅上涨。
In the short term, Chinese inflation has been driven by a combination of higher corn prices, which pushed up the cost of feed, and a shortage of pigs owing to the loss to disease of millions last year. 短期而言,中国的通胀受到两个因素的合力推动,一是玉米价格上涨推升了饲料价格;二是因去年数百万头生猪死亡造成生猪数量短缺。
Presumably, the likes of Italy and Spain would have to have inflation rates both of prices and of wages significantly below the eurozone average. 据推测,像意大利和西班牙这样的国家,它们的通胀率物价和薪资涨幅必须远远低于欧元区平均水平。
The bad news for Britain is that too much of this has been inflation because of high oil prices, a weak pound and increased VAT and too little from real growth. 但不利的是,在高油价,英镑疲软和增值税上调的情况下,过度的量化宽松政策会导致严重的通货膨胀,而过于保守也会难以得到真正的经济增长。
But its refining margin started to deteriorate in the final quarter as China was reluctant to increase prices because of inflation concerns in spite of rising crude prices. 到了第4季度,尽管原油价格持续上涨,但由于担忧通胀风险,政府不愿再上调成品油价格,中石化炼油业务的利润率开始下降。
Yet the primary reason for the negative rate of US inflation is the dramatic 30 per cent fall of commodity prices. That will not happen again. 然而,美国出现负通胀的主要原因是大宗商品价格暴跌30%,这种情况将不会再次出现。
Influenced by social upheaval 、 shortage of funds 、 inflation of prices and so on, the implementation of the cadre training came up against some difficulties. 受社会动荡、资金短缺、物价高涨等各种因素影响,训练实施遇到一定困难。
This paper reports on developments in theoretical and empirical understanding of the transmission mechanisms of oil price shocks, the asymmetric impacts of oil price shocks on economic growth and inflation, and the monetary policy implications of increased oil prices. 本文首先讨论石油价格冲击的传导机制,然后考察石油价格冲击对经济增长和通货膨胀的非对称性影响,并分析石油价格上升的货币政策含义,最后提出了政策建议。
Different judgments in economic overheating, investment-and-credit expansion, inflation, the fluctuation of assets prices, the growth of total amount of money and the flow of international short-term capital, have become important factors that ultimately control whether to increase interest rate or not. 对于经济过热、投资和信贷扩张、通货膨胀、资产价格波动、货币总量扩张和国际短期资本流动等问题的不同判断,成为最终左右加息与否的重要因素。
The real estate prices reflect some information about inflation, but still can not be the indicator of inflation. In addition, the effect of housing prices increase on economy growth is not significant. 房价能够反映一部分通货膨胀的信息,但指示作用仍不显著;房价对经济增长的拉动作用也比较有限。
This paper analyzes the changes in mechanism of inflation in recent years, there are three significant features: Firstly, structural inflation is the main form of inflation, the asset prices and primary commodity prices have an increasing effect on the overall price changes. 本文首先分析近年来我国通货膨胀机理变化的三个显著特征:一是结构性通胀成为通货膨胀的丰要表现形式,资产价格以及初级产品价格的变化对整体物价变动的影响愈加明显。
The inflation of prices is an indisputable fact in recent years. And the rapid rise on price of beans, garlic, ginger and sugar indicates that it has a big impact on our daily consumption. 近年来我国物价上涨已成为一个不争的事实,豆你玩、蒜你狠、姜你军、糖高宗等网络新词的不断涌现表明物价的持续快速上涨对居民的日常消费生活造成了重大影响。
Inflation of the domestic energy prices from International transmission and natural disasters which caused to the reduce of agricultural products. 通货膨胀源于国际传导、国内能源价格上涨和自然灾害导致的农产品供给减少。